The Broadkill Review

We are a small staff and we will take our time with your beautiful work

We are particularly interested in lyric CNF

Submit up to three micro/flash pieces/hybrids (less than 1k words per piece) or

Submit one "short" CNF ---under 3.5k, please or

Submit up to five poems in one document

No trans/homophobia, no misogyny, no racism.

No military style action stories, please.

Include trigger/content warnings when applicable

Please label your submission and use the titles of your poems/works, as the file name of your submission. For example: poetry, four poems, Eating Cheesy Potato Burritos With Dad In Rehab, Sonnet for the Mechanical Bird of my Emptiness, Love Song for Bill T. Jones, Corrupted Haiku Chain For the Mothership

We will re-open in January for the Spring/Summer issue.

The Broadkill Review